game GameCube » The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Box Cover
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The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker box art cover
By avatar TransgenderViking 33 on March 6th, 2015

Ok I get it. N64 boxes aren't gonna work. so let's try a retro console I actually have the boxes for! So here's my first gamecube gamebox!

I worked really hard on this one, I'm very proud of the link on the front. I also made the logo myself using various fonts (I will upload to resources is anyone wants)

I'd like to thank Gamegrumps for their play-through of this game (although on Wii U) as watching the series got me inspired to do this. :P

Also added a watermark for the warding off of pirates.

comments The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Box Cover Comments

Comment on TransgenderViking's The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Box Art / Cover.

Sarashi 46 [ 9 years ago ]

Hmm, The custom-esque front is interesting, but I'm not hugely sure about the lack of eyes, it kinda puts me off.
The same deal can be said about the back, the composition is mostly solid (albeit a bit denser around the edges than I would prefer), but I find the font choice a bit... bland and uninteresting. I probably would have also made the screenshots a bit larger because at the moment they're kinda crushed in the corner.
Also, a little tip from me to you: the highly visible outer glow thing on the text? Yeah, it doesn't look as good as you think and makes it harder to read. Just make the font colour contrast enough or make the text larger and whack a black/white stroke on it and a sharp drop shadow if that fails.
p.s. that's a cool template; wonder where you got it.

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TransgenderViking 33 [ 9 years ago ]

I appreciate your feedback.

I am a disaster at backs. I've gotten and better since I started planning them.
I have poor font choices, what can I say?
I always run out of space on the backs. I don't get how professionals do it.
yeah that's a thing I need to stop falling back on.

I like to make my own by combining ones I find here.

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Sarashi 46 [ 9 years ago ]

@TransgenderViking I don't think you're approaching this right. You can't just say you're bad at things and leave it at that.
The way I would control the back's structure is to first look at real box examples: this is where those paid to make it look good... get paid to make it look good. Note, where and how large the tagline is. Note how much room they dedicate to the features and story.
What I see in your back is that you've got way too much room allocated for 'features' (bullet points) and really too many. I'd keep it maybe 2-3, 4 at a stretch if you can't think of anything else to put.
Your GBA is for the most part unnecessarily large and takes up a quarter of your box. Dividing it in perfect quarters as you've done isn't the most effective technique: sometimes the irregular plans are the most aesthetically pleasing.
While in some places there's a high density of text and pictures, in some there's wasted space: your "Compatible with Gameboy Advance" should be closer to the actual picture of the GBA, and there's lots of space it just fills out for no reason.
With that done, you could move the screenshots so they're in line with each other and make them not close to the edge (a key rule I like to follow: keep nothing important, such as text or renders, near the borders unless it's specifically for effect).
This liberates so much space near the top that you could flatten out the text and run it across and have a much more prominent and larger tagline: the tagline is what sells the game and draws focus to the key points!
For the font choice problem, you could easily pick a serif font (google it if you don't know what that is) due to the fantasy setting and really anything that isn't as boring as just your average essay font...
While I've specifically covered this box, the key ideas can be applied elsewhere in your next boxes. I hope I helped.
p.s. my last comment was a subtle prod to credit whoever made the template parts you used... it does take a lot of time to make you know...

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TransgenderViking 33 [ 9 years ago ]

@Sarashi alright. thanks. I was using the original for reference but i wanted to not just copy that.however i did try originally but i just couldn't do it. it's some kind of magic how they fit 5 screenshots and all that text on there.

I used a mix up of link and link

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Sarashi 46 [ 9 years ago ]

@TransgenderViking It doesn't have to be the official cover of the same game you replicate; in fact it probably shouldn't be because firstly it's not very creative and secondly you're just remaking something someone else has done...
But as per usual, practice and repetition makes perfect. I'll try and keep an eye out for how you progress from now.

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TransgenderViking 33 [ 9 years ago ]

@Sarashi Thanks.

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Heart Breaker 44 [ 9 years ago ]


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TransgenderViking 33 [ 9 years ago ]


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